Happy New Year! I can’t believe 2018 has already come and gone. I hope each of you had a great year filled with sweet memories, wonderful days, and memorable nights, and I hope that 2019 is your best year yet!
The new year is also special for me because I started Life with the Lokeys exactly two years ago! To be honest, when I sat down to write my first blog post, I really had no idea where to start. I just knew it was something I have always wanted to do but never went for it. It took a few of my sweet and dear friends to nudge me a little to take the leap and start writing! There are so many people I would like to thank for reading along and sharing this journey with me.
So you know those places that are so breathtakingly beautiful they leave you in awe? That’s exactly how I feel about the Keramas! I have been dying to go back to the Keramas after visiting Tokashiki for my birthday two years ago. The Keramas are a small group of islands located south of Okinawa. Tokashiki and Zamami are the two main islands. This was my third time planning a trip out to Zamami! I had to cancel the last two trips so I guess third times the charm! View Post
Last weekend we decided to visit Tsuken Island. It’s a small island off the coast of Okinawa that is known as the “island of carrots” because of the fields of carrots that are grown there every year. During the Battle of Okinawa, the island was used as a fortress to defend the main island of Okinawa. I have been wanting to visit this island for awhile because of the cute ferry boat that takes you over there and the beautiful beaches. View Post
It was absolutely beautiful last weekend here in Okinawa so we decided to take the boys on a hike up Mt. Katsuu. The hike was definitely more challenging then I thought it would be. The beginning of the hike starts with stairs but as you go up you have to climb up and around tree roots and rocks. There are little red bows on the trees along the path to show you the direction you need to go to reach the top. View Post
Happy New Year! I can’t believe 2017 has already come and gone. I hope each of you had a great year full of love, health, and happiness, and I hope that 2018 is your best year yet! The new year is also special for me because I started Life with the Lokeys exactly one year ago! To be honest, when I sat down to write my first blog post, I really had no idea where to start. I just knew it was something I have always wanted to do but never went for it. It took a few of my sweet and dear friends to nudge me a little to take the leap and start writing! There are so many people I would like to thank for reading along and sharing this journey with me.
I took another leap of faith this year with my new children’s book, Patsy Bea! I will tell you that I was so nervous about the release of my book. All the scary questions go through your head when you put something out there that you created. It took me several days to actually have the courage to publish the blog post I had written about my new book. I have realized that sometimes you just have to do things afraid. If I had not done it afraid, I realize now how much I would have missed out on! I am so thankful for all the support, sweet messages, and amazing opportunities I have had with Pasty Bea! I have some more exciting news for Patsy Bea that I will share as the year goes on!
To celebrate and reflect on my first year of blogging, I want to share a few things that I have learned this last year… 1. If you have a dream and passion that you think about daily, pursue it! No matter how scary it might seem! Go for it! 2. Trust God that when he closes one door a much better door is waiting for you! 3. Say “Yes” to things that scare you. Take the leap of faith because it might just be the best decision you ever made! 4. Always be kind to others! You never know how your words can change a person for good! 5. Invest in others! Support their dreams! Be there for your family and friends and encourage the things they are passionate about! Finally, I want to leave you with one more thing for the new year! On the way home from our trip to mainland Japan (I will be sharing more about that in the next few posts), I watched one of my favorite movies…Hope Floats! One of my favorite quotes is from this movie..”Beginnings are scary, endings are usually sad, but it’s the middle that counts the most…try to remember that when you find yourself at a new beginning. Just give hope a chance to float up…and it will.” So as we welcome 2018..make the middle count!! I love ya’ll and I am so thankful for you! XOXO