Today I woke up with a grateful heart!

This is not the post I thought I would be writing this week!  Last week we had plans to take a family vacation to Zamami Island.  We were going to take the ferry over to Zamami and just relax on the beach, scuba dive, and snorkel for several days!  I had been looking forward to this trip for so long.  Well as it turned out God had other plans.  I had not been feeling well for awhile but it got so bad I ended up in the emergency room and had to have emergency surgery on the same area that I have had two previous surgeries.  I ended up getting really sick after the surgery and had to stay in the hospital a little longer. We are praying that the third time is the charm and this surgery fixes me for good! Now that the storm has passed, I woke up this morning with such a grateful and thankful heart!

I am thankful for Brandon!  I honestly don’t know what I would do without him in my life!  He loves me like no other, he takes care of me, protects me, supports me, encourages me, and can always make me laugh!  He always tells me how beautiful I am whether I’m in a beautiful ball gown or I’m in a hospital bed with tubes everywhere and I haven’t showered in a few days!  I pray that everyone that reads this finds a love like that and loves like that in return!  

I am thankful for my boys!  My boys love their momma!  They were so worried about me.  I hated them to see me so sick.  They talked with me, and sat with me, and gave me sweet hugs which is exactly what I needed to get better! They took care of all the chores at home for me and made sure the house was beautiful when I came home!  They made beautiful welcome home signs and cookies for me!  That’s the thing about having all boys…they always take care of momma!

I am thankful for all of my family and friends!  I was just amazed and blown away by the love we were shown while I was in the hospital!  All of the calls, messages, texts, flowers delivered, magazines, and visits to check on me made my heart so full.  Every time a nurse or doctor would enter my room they would say how amazing it smelled with all the beautiful flowers!  You took care of my boys bringing delicious homemade meals to them every night!  You let Brandon know that you would help in any way you could.  There is something special about military families.  You become as close as real families especially when you are stationed on a tiny island in the middle of nowhere away from all your family and friends back home! 

I am thankful for the doctors and nurses at the Naval Hospital Okinawa!  As someone who has had 5 surgeries, 4 babies, and a lot of other visits to the hospital, the care I received at the Naval Hospital in Okinawa was above and beyond anything I have ever experienced.  My surgeon was absolutely amazing. She took care of me like no other doctor I have ever had!  The nurses at the hospital barely ever left my side.  I watched as they were constantly on their feet for 12 hours taking care of me!  They were there to make me feel better, get me anything I needed or sit with me when I felt like giving up.  I honestly don’t know how they do it and they always had a smile on their face!  

This is definitely not what I had planned to be doing for the last 2 weeks but through it all I was shown the absolute best in everyone and everything around me! I am thankful to have each and every one of you in my life! 

So today and everyday I am going to continue to start each day with a grateful heart!!
