Don’t let the fear of failure keep you from showing your children how to dream!

How many of us have big dreams inside of us that we never go after? How many have books they never finished, pieces of music that have never been written, or businesses that have never been born. Why is it that we are afraid to take a risk, take a chance, to go for something, to live a life with greater meaning?  I believe that at some point in our lives we start caring too much about what other people think.  I see my four year old son, and he doesn’t care at all what anyone thinks.  If he wants to do something he is going to do it. Even if he fails over and over again he never gives up.  He may get frustrated and upset but he keeps trying.  I have learned so much from all my boys.  I would rather show them that its ok to fail at something than to never try or to give up.  

When I first wrote Patsy Bea it was a huge piece of the healing process after I lost my grandmother.  She always told me that one day I would write a book and she would be the first one to buy a copy.  I never imagined that my first book would be about her.  I had this journal I would carry around with me that I had all my stories in.  The stories were mostly about talking animals and the things they went through.  I remember this one special story I had written just for my grandmother about a talking shark.  She was so proud of that story that she carried it around and would always mention it to her friends and show it to them.  She believed in me!  I wrote Patsy Bea almost 9 years ago and it took me that long to just go for it.  I was so afraid of what others would think, but I had to show my boys to follow their dreams.  When I got the first copies of my book, I showed my boys.  The way they looked at me was priceless.  They were so proud of me.  Even if I never sold one copy of my book, it was worth the risk of failure to show my boys that mom went for her dreams and followed her heart! I hope they learned that if mom can do it so can they.  

I am so excited to share that I will have my first book signing at The Marine Gift Shop on Camp Foster.  If you live here in Okinawa, you can stop by the week of August 15.  I will be there from 10-2 on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday and 10-3 on Saturday.  If you already own a copy, bring it by and I would be happy to sign it for you!  You can also get a copy of Patsy Bea on Amazon or  

There is nothing like taking photos for your book signing in 110 degree heat at the zoo in Okinawa!  The elephant was so interested in my Patsy Bea skirt.  I think she was trying to eat it!  I hope you enjoy the pictures!  

I want to leave you with this quote from Eleanor Roosevelt…”You must do the things you think you cannot do.”
